Balloon Valvuloplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that helps restore blood flow through the valves and allows patients to avoid open-heart valve surgery. It is performed on children and adults who have a narrowed heart valve, a condition called stenosis. The goal of the procedure is to improve valve function and blood flow by enlarging the valve opening. It is sometimes used to avoid or delay open heart surgery and valve replacement.
In Ahmednagar, most heart surgeons use the term Balloon Valvuloplasty. Dr. Dhananjay Ware experienced cardiologist in Ahmednagar performs balloon valvuloplasty to treat people with narrowed heart valve conditions such as pulmonary stenosis, mitral stenosis, and aortic stenosis. So let’s understand first what is it and why this performed?
Why it is done?

Balloon valvuloplasty is done to help the valve work better and improve blood flow through the valve. It may be done to relieve symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or passing out (syncope). It is done on
- Children, teens, and young adults: Balloon valvuloplasty might be used in some children, teens, and young adults in their 20s who have aortic valve stenosis
- Pregnant women: Valvuloplasty may be used for pregnant women who get aortic valve stenosis symptoms during their pregnancy.
- Older adults: Valvuloplasty is not appropriate for most older people who have stenosis. These people typically need an aortic valve replacement procedure. But valvuloplasty might be done to relieve severe symptoms if a person has to wait before having the valve replaced.
How the Test is Performed?
In this procedure, a long, thin tube (catheter) is inserted from your groin. Then a balloon is advanced to your heart and passed across the diseased narrowed valve. Now the balloon is inflated to open or stretch the valve. The balloon is then deflated and it is removed along with the catheter from your body. Balloon valvuloplasty relieves many symptoms of heart valve disease, but may not completely cure it.
What should I expect before the procedure?
- Most patients will need to have blood tests, a chest x-ray, an electrocardiogram, and an echocardiogram before the procedure. These tests are usually scheduled the day before the procedure.
- Ask your doctor what medications should be taken on the day of your test.
- If you have diabetes, ask your physician how to adjust your medications on the day of your test.
- Tell your doctor or nurse if you are taking any blood thinning medications such as Coumadin (warfarin). An alternate method for thinning your blood may be prescribed a few days before the procedure.
You will not be able to eat or drink after midnight the evening before the procedure. - Leave all valuables at home. If you normally wear dentures, glasses or a hearing assist device, plan to wear them during the procedure to help with communication.
- Tell your doctor and/or nurses if you have any allergies.
What is the cost of the Balloon Valupoasty in Ahmednagar?
The average cost of the balloon valvuloplasty in Ahmednagar ranges from Rs. 2,50,000 to Rs. 3,00,000. Also cost depends upon the hospital, heart specialist, an instrument used, and patient health condition.
When should I call my doctor?
When you go home after the procedure, call your doctor or nurse immediately if you have:
- Fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius) or higher
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Unusual swelling or weight gain
- Bleeding, swelling, pain, or changes in skin color at the groin site.
- A return of previous symptoms (symptoms you had before the procedure was performed)
How to book an appointment?
Dr. Dhananjay Ware provides the best treatment for various heart diseases in Ahmednagar. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best cardiologist in Nagar call 96576 13635 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking with your near hospital.